Friday 18 September 2015

TANZANIA: Monte Vista High Graduate Killed During Mt. Kilimanjaro Ascent

The Alamo native, 33, was close to reaching the summit of the mountain when boulders came streaming down the mountain and killed him.

Scott Dinsmore, an Alamo native known for creating an online community advocating seeking one’s passions, was killed Saturday by falling rocks while he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Dinsmore, 33, was close to reaching the summit of the mountain, which his family said was a lifelong goal, when boulders came streaming down the mountain and killed him.

Dinsmore was hiking with his wife, Chelsea, who was not harmed. The hike was part of a world-traveling trip the husband and wife pair embarked on. In January, the San Francisco residents sold their belongings and left the U.S. to visit countries abroad.

The couple entered Tanzania after traveling through 20 other countries, where they decided to scale Mount Kilimanjaro. Dinsmore, a Monte Vista High School graduate, was featured on a widely viewed TED Talk in 2012, discussing the topic of “How To Find And Do Work You Love.”

That subject was also the vision behind the Web-based company he founded, Live Your Legend. The company’s website,, guides people to books, articles and resources that relate to passion-driven job selection. On Tuesday, it featured an entry from the Live Your Legend staff that addressed Dinsmore’s death and celebrated his accomplishments.

“He didn’t just talk about living a life of passion and purpose, he was actually out there doing it. Being the change he wanted to see in the world,” the entry said.

A Facebook group was also created at to show support for the Dinsmore family. It had more than 4,000 members as of this afternoon. On the Facebook page, a close friend of Dinsmore said an official announcement would be coming from the family in the coming days with further information and steps to “continue Scott’s legacy.”

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