Sunday 9 August 2015

INDIA: Culling Of Stray Dogs In Kerala Condemned

The Kerala government is also in process of increasing the number of sterilising facilities for dogs and hired doctors on a temporary basis.

After facing criticism from animal rights groups over their decision to cull dangerous stray dogs, the Kerala government has now partnered with trained NGO's to deal with sterilising them, over 1.5 lakh cases of dog bites are reported every year in the state.

It was an early start following a team of the Humane Society International (HSI), an NGO that has been sterilising stray dogs for the past eight months in Thiruvananthapuram city, armed with nets, traps, biscuits, bones and lots of patience.

Dr Anubhav Khaguria, in-charge of the team says, "It's not about numbers. We bring the dogs, treat them with Animal Birth Control Procedures and give them anti-rabies injections... and send them back to the community happier. Even people welcome them better when they know they have been sterilised."

The mark of identification of a sterilised stray dog is a 'V' shaped cut seen on either of their ears. Apart from sterilising, HSI also gives them post-operative care, releasing them from where they were picked up. A GPS enabled collar tagging system is followed for the same reason.

But for the dog bite victims, it's still a lot of fear. One victim said, "I am still scared of dogs and how do we know if they are not rabies carriers. They can bite anyone, are filth and should be eliminated."

According to a survey conducted by the HSI, there are over 5000 stray dogs in the city. The organisation aims to ensure that 70 per cent of them are sterilised within the next 18 months.

The government is also in process of increasing the number of sterilising facilities and hired doctors on a temporary basis. But the decision to cull dangerous stray dogs after a certificate from veterinary experts has evoked an angry response from animal activists and hate social media hate campaigns asking people to "boycott Kerala".

Actor Salma Agha says this action will tarnish India’s image

The Republican Party of India (A) led by Rajya Sabha member from Maharashtra, Ramdas Athawale, has come out against the recent Kerala government order to cull dogs in that State.

Singer and actor Salma Agha, who is chairperson of the RPI’s film and television union, told a press conference: “We no longer live in the age where this kind of cruelty against dogs would be tolerated. At a time when all over the world there is growing sensitivity against cruelty to animals, this action by the Kerala government tarnishes India’s image. There are better ways to help tourism.”

Also present at the event was Salma Agha’s daughter and actor Sasha Agha who raised questions about Kerala’s sterilisation programme.

“We know that sterilisation works. It has worked in Jaipur and it works in Mumbai. And it does not cost much. If the population of stray dogs has grown in Kerala, then this means that they haven’t been sterilising dogs as they should be doing.”

RPI’s Maharashtra co-ordinator Vivek Pandit said, “We have written to the Kerala Governor. If need be, we will also approach the Supreme Court. We also plan to meet the PM and the Home Minister.”

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