Friday 21 August 2015

SINGAPORE: S’pore to rename all ‘steam boat restaurants’ as ‘battleship restaurants’ to honour Lee Kuan Yew

He outwitted his wife 57 years ago, and as a result, could not eat steam boat for dinner.

S’pore to rename all ‘steam boat restaurants’ as ‘battleship restaurants’ to honour Lee Kuan Yew

He outwitted his wife 57 years ago, and as a result, could not eat steam boat for dinner.

Singapore will be renaming all steam boat restaurants as “battleship restaurants” in honour of Lee Kuan Yew.

This after it was revealed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that his father had to forego a steam boat dinner some 57 years ago as a result of Lee Kuan Yew outsmarting his wife in a telegram by calling “steam boat” as “battleship”, showing his mind to be far more advanced than other human beings.

Singaporeans from all walks of life said the name change is necessary as battleships was something Lee Kuan Yew wanted then but couldn’t have, a situation that doesn’t happen very often.

One Singaporean, Jiak Luan Lor, said: “If Lee Kuan Yew wanted a press that was subsumed under the state, he got Singapore Press Holdings.”

“If Lee Kuan Yew wanted Singaporean women to give birth less, he made sure they had ligation of their Fallopian tubes.”

“Hence, if Lee Kuan Yew wanted to have battleship but couldn’t get it, Singaporeans are duty-bound to give it to him now.”

“Because Lee Kuan Yew always gets what he wants.”

At press time, it is in the works for battleship dinners to be ordained as a national food icon soon.

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