Monday 10 September 2018

RUSSIA: Zabivaka, Official Mascot Of 2018 FIFA World Cup

Zabivaka was the official mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which was held in Russia. The name is a blend of the Russian words meaning hothead and to score.

The mascot was selected by internet voting in Russia and its author is student designer Ekaterina Bocharova.

The mascot was unveiled on 21 October 2016. It represents an anthropomorphic Eurasian wolf or Canis lupus lupus with brown and white fur, wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the words "RUSSIA 2018" and orange goggles according to the designer.

These are not ski goggles, but sports goggles like those used in cycling: Zabivaka is so fast on the field that he needs eye protection.

The combination of white, blue and red T-shirt and shorts are the national colors of the Russian team.

The competition results were announced on 22 October 2016, in the Evening Urgant on the Channel One Russia.

The Wolf, named Zabivaka, scored 53% of the votes, ahead of the Tiger 27% and the Cat 20%.

More than one million people participated in the voting, which took place during September 2016 at as well as before an during the live show of the Evening Urgant where the results of the competition were announced.

The name was suggested at the show by the chairman of the WC-2018 Organizing Committee Vitali Mutko. FIFA paid Bocharova a meager sum of $500.

Tourism Observer

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