Sunday 9 September 2018

UAE: British Embassies Announce On Social Media Buying, Drinking Alcohol Without Liquor Licence Is Illegal

There has been no change in the advice given by the UK to its nationals regarding alcohol consumption in the UAE, the Facebook page of the British Embassies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai has clarified.

Friday’s clarification on the ‘UK in UAE’ page follows its earlier post on Thursday, which had said: If you hold a residence permit, it is illegal to purchase or consume alcohol without a liquor licence.

Carry it with you at all times. NB a licence is only valid in the emirate that issued it.

It is a punishable offence to be under the influence of alcohol in public, including when transiting through the UAE.

Following Thursday’s post, some media organisations in the UK said British missions had warned British air passengers that they could be arrested after landing in the UAE, if they had alcohol on the flight.

The reports drew attention to the case of a UK-based woman who was detained in Dubai after she allegedly had a drink on board a flight to Dubai, in July.

However, UK in UAE on Friday said: For clarity, there has been no change to the UK government’s advice to British nationals on consuming alcohol in the UAE.

Our travel advice for the UAE includes a section on alcohol, and we would encourage visitors and residents to read it here.

The post was followed by a link to the Foreign travel advice — United Arab Emirates webpage of

The webpage says: Liquor licences are not available to non-residents, but it is possible for tourists and visitors to buy and drink alcohol in licensed venues such as hotels, restaurants and clubs.

However, you should be aware that it is a punishable offence under UAE law to drink or be under the influence of alcohol in public.

Check if an alcohol wholesaler is approved

If you buy alcohol to sell on, you must check that the wholesaler or producer you buy it from is approved.

You can be fined or go to prison if you buy alcohol from a wholesaler who is not approved.

You do not need to check if you’re an individual buying alcohol for a one-off event, such as a party once a year. You still need to get a licence to sell alcohol, known as a Temporary Events Notice.

You need the wholesaler or producer’s Unique Reference Number (URN). This should be printed on their invoices. Contact them if you cannot find it.

Alcohol licensing in your area

Anyone operating premises or organising events that include the sale or supply of alcohol must have a licence. Check the rules for your area, apply for a licence, have your say (‘make a representation’) about a new application or apply for a review of an existing licence.

Tourism Observer

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